Frequently Asked Questions
Finally an FAQ just for YOU!
These frequently asked questions explain rush and custom orders. If you’re still stuck, email info@gorgtech.com.
Curious about stock and shipping times?
First, order. Then, email. Ordering first gets your order moving through our system!
Order Updates
For changes to your order or shipping address:
Email shipping.gorg@gmail.com
Include your order number in the subject line.
Rush Shipments
If you need to receive your order in less than 1 month, then please purchase this RUSH LISTING to flag your order. You must include your requested delivery date. You must also email our shipping department shipping.gorg@gmail.com. Please note, our shipping team works a 4 day week. We need time to best serve you. Same day services are not currently available.
Processing Times
Simple single-item orders may take up to 1 month to fulfill. Choosing Whatever’s in Stock for your color can save you 1-2 weeks on processing.
Complex orders with multiple items and specific colors may take up to 2 months to fulfill. It is common for us to split a big order into more than one package. Sometimes we ship what we have and put the backordered items on hold.
Custom made-to-order items including Printed Fabric, Tower Shields, Customized Weapons, and Oversized Shields may require up to 3 months for processing. We do not want your order to take this long. But if you order something nice and expensive, then we want time to attend to the important details.
Custom Printed Fabric
This isn’t screen printing. It’s not painted. We no longer embroider or applique. It’s fabric printed just for you! This method is more detailed and durable!!! Submit Custom Printed Fabric Requests online. Also, expect a design confirmation email from gorgpics@gmail.com within a few weeks 😀
Printed Shield Covers
Printed Sword Covers
Printed Arrowheads
If necessary, text Lady Gorg’s cell phone 904-434-3085! Include your name and order number. If you need a callback, include the best time of day. THANKS!