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Darkon Red Only Weapons

“Daggers must have a stab-legal Red tip, and may also have a striking surface between 6″ and 12″ in length. The total length of a dagger may not exceed 18”. Daggers built to sword dimension specifications, and with a blade length of at least 9”, may additionally be swung for White damage”

“Spears must have an overall length between 3½’ and 10’. They must have a well‐padded head of at least 3” in diameter since they are used exclusively for thrusting.  This weapon must have ⅓ of its length covered in courtesy padding (this includes the head).”

“Arrows may be constructed on aluminum, fiberglass, wooden, or carbon shafts. Fiberglass and wooden arrow shafts must be covered lengthwise in tape. Arrow tips must be at least 2.5″ in diameter and especially well padded with an open-cell type of foam. The tips of the shaft must have a penny or other similar object between the core and the foam; arrow fletchings must also have at least three fletches. As arrows are one of the hardest Darkon weapons to make safely, new archers are strongly encouraged to speak to a veteran with arrow construction experience before attempting to construct any arrows on their own.”


Darkon Red Only Weapons