Essay Content Honorable Mention – Scott ‘Laedros’ Hughes

I don’t think there’s a proper way to describe the lack of direction one gets when they leave the military. Some have a plan, a very loose plan mind you, but a plan. When I left the Navy back at the end of 2010, I wasn’t sure what I was going to do beyond going to college. No long term plan or idea for what I wanted to do beyond just living to the next day and making it to class. It was almost two years later when my girlfriend at the time said she was going to this thing she had formed with a friend of hers. She called it Dagorhir and at first I didn’t know what to think of it. I knew of LARPs but didn’t think that any had taken root where I lived. She explained that while there were LARP elements to it, it was more of a combat sport. She was also skeptical that I would maintain an interest in it. Given that it involved a large amount of moment and full contact. Due to an injury I sustained in the military she wasn’t far from being wrong. I thought I would go out for a few practices. And in the end would simply be on the side line while I watched her do her thing.
“…I think it’s only served to help better my life…”
What I instead discovered is that there was archery involved. I found that it kept me away from the front lines and thus less of a chance to injure my knees further. Finding archery was also a game changer in terms of my psychical and mental health. I found I was more energetic and looked forward to having something to do other than class during the week. The improved mood I had from doing Dagorhir I also meant my grades were improving. I had more motivation throughout the week to do other things.
After almost a year I found myself in charge of a unit in central Arkansas. Something I thought I would never end up doing due to the fact that at the time I didn’t view myself as a leader. As time went on however, people started to trickle in more and more. Eventually I found myself in charge of a core group of around nine people with others trickling in and out as the years went by. Time passed, as it always does, and now I find myself as assistant admin in Zorn Vongal under Joseph ‘Cy’ Compton. Who has proven to be an even more capable leader than I.
In conclusion, I never thought that I would be the person that I am today, or even as far along in my life as I am now. Both in game and out of it. I’ve had my share of trials and tribulations over the years as any fighter does. And I think it’s only served to help better my life and improve everything about it.
May the free never be caged.
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