A Hard Fight:
2 Squires vs. 3 Baby Dragons
“A hard fight,” that’s all I heard for hours! The volunteer human walls mumbled, “This is a really hard fight!” Even Sir Tyriel remarked that this practice Squires’ Trial would be more challenging than the official Knights’ Trials at Ragnarok this June. When it was all said and done and I was texting Paolo, he just huffed, “It was a hard fight…”
Saturday, March 30, 2019, in the late afternoon on a warm beautiful day, Sir Tyriel put Squire Cailte and Squire Paolo to a difficult challenge. These two battle brothers united against a rotation of 3 teams of 3 excellent fighters.

The Baby Dragons
These groups each represented a BABY DRAGON. First, the Florentine fighter represents the arms. Then the sword and board fighter is the heart. And the impossible Polearm is the tail. While the
The Spar Me Bros Squires
Filming from up close gave me the best angle to watch these fearsome fighters work through their frustrations, calm their nerves, and troubleshoot a nearly impossible task. In the heat of the trial, they recognized their need to communicate better and immediately started calling across the field to each other. They listened to each other’s opinions and tried different methods until they found something that worked.
The Camera Lady’s Angle
Even though time limited their success, I deem them victors… good fighters and better men. It takes a lot to be physically challenged and emotionally stressed but persevere. I am proud of them. I am thankful to have videotaped and I’m honored Gorg got to participate.
The characteristics I observed up close are those not just of good fighters but great men and excellent husbands. Life can be ugly. We must choose to work through hardships, even when we’re tired, sad, angry or overwhelmed. I’m sorry their wives, Tommi & Alley (The Woos), couldn’t make the event. But, I know they’ll be proud when they watch the video of their men fighting well!
To Sir Tyriel and the SparMeBros

Watch the Hard Fight Now!
Want to watch the full fighting footage? Please go into with a compassionate understanding mind. Dagorhir Foam-Fighting is an adult sport. Participants must be 16 years old to play. This video is full of adult language. No one was physically hurt or verbally attacked. Trials are challenging. These videos are meant to be authentic and encouraging!!!
The Playlist Broken into 5 parts for easier viewing!
They Slay the Baby Dragon 13 seconds of GLORY!
The full 90 minutes of footage One link to Watch it ALL!

Plugging Gorgtech
It was truly a privilege and honor to film their fights, but I wouldn’t have been able to drive to Maryland for Bellum without the sales of our boffer weapons to buy gas and food, etc…. So here’s a quick mention of some gorgtech boffers featured in the fights:
Cailte and Paolo both used secret bats as primary weapons but Paolo also had a 40″ black market as a down stick in his shield hand. Cailte started with a homemade shield but switched to a 27″ punch when his personalized punch handle broke. Gorg used an 8ft carbon omniglaive for his Dragon Tail. He actually had me (literally) run to the trailer store to grab it for him before the trial began. He thought his 75″ carbon flat blade wasn’t the best great weapon for this style f